Friday, June 6, 2008

Kallen's day at the beach

(This post was written by Noel and Quinn)

Kallen and his class went to Seahurst Park for a field trip on Thursday, June 5.  Eva joined them as a chaperone and had a great time... except for getting sick on the bus (next time: Dramamine).

Kallen took some awesome nature pictures, and Eva took some great class pictures.

Molted (empty) crab shell

Molted (empty) crab shell

Kallen's teacher.  Mrs. Purple Sea Star

Kallen's teacher.  Mrs. Purple Sea Star 

Mr. Cool

Mr. Cool

The class of superstars

The class of superstars

Kallen and his posse, waiting to mug someone

Kallen and his posse, waiting to mug someone

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