Saturday, March 14, 2009

Some recent pictures

Today (March 14, 2009) the boys just decided to make breakfast in bed for Eva and I.  We were treated to cereal, toast and english muffins, and milk and juice (they don't know how to make coffee).  They weren't super successful at being secret "Mom, what are you going to make yourself for breakfast this morning?", but it was so sweet and we had a blast!  Here is a pic of Eva and her boys:

Boys, Dogs and Noel at popcorn 010

On Friday (March 13, 2009) I helped Eva again at popcorn.  And I made sure to take a picture that didn't make me look like some homeless dude asking kids for money (see picture from a few weeks ago).  Here I am BEFORE the recess onslaught!  :)

Boys, Dogs and Noel at popcorn 007

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