Friday, December 26, 2008

Wonderful Christmas!

We had a great Christmas! It was a white, white, white Christmas and we were warm and happy and enjoyed our little family.

Christmas Day 024

Because of the snow, none of the family was able to make it to our house for Eva's famous turkey. And, yes, it WAS as good as last year. (Spiced Brine for the win!!!) So we enjoyed turkey, rolls, pear/ginger cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and peas all by ourselves. I hear some of our family had a meal of roasted beets and pumpkin soup, while others had stuffing. I think we got the better deal.

We were all spoiled and enjoyed wearing new robes, playing Rock Band 2 together and watching Quinn and Kallen shoot each other with their new laser tag rifles among many other awesome Christmas moments.

Christmas Day 012

Happy Holiday to everyone!! Click here for more pictures.

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