Saturday, October 11, 2008

Parties and Pumpkins

We had a family gathering today!  Mom, Layne, Gigi, Jeff, Jill, Clara and Emmett all came down to watch Kal's flag football game.  It was their first loss (although it was close) so none of them are invited back (ha ha).  Then they all came over for some yummy Fry-bread tacos and birthday cheesecake for Layne's birthday.  MmmMmmmmmMm.  After the festivities, we went to a pumpkin patch to pick up some orange for the holidays.  Yay!

Jill and Emmett on the couch


Clara giving grampa a nice poke in the face


Quinn the ghost and Kallen the pumpkin


Quinn the pumpkin ninja


Getting ready for a hayride


Oh, and our neighbors gave Kasey a new bone


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