Saturday, September 13, 2008

A little catch up

Well, I agree with mom. I need to be a 'better' blogger. Not that the quality of posts are going to get better (that would be asking too much) but just more often. Fingers crossed, eh?

Well a few more days of school left for me this quarter. I teach at City University of Seattle and had two courses (one online, and one in class). I just have a few more papers to grade before I have a few weeks rest before next quarter. :)

Grading papers is tough. Some students can write well, and others... well here is an example of one MBA student paper (cut and pasted directly):

"I think with these recommendations that I have suggested to the Adam ‘s Company, a Sole Proprietorship, I will call or write to the company for their actions taking against these limitations such as; lack of education, poor supervision, stealing is rampant, needs other professional skills and lack of system networking for the business. "

What? Any way, this student was a great guy from Africa, and tried hard, but just didn't have the English skills for writing a good paper. And then when I gave him a low grade on this paper, he told me I need to be more lenient with my grading. Hmmm...


Kallen is playing flag football. Here is a great picture of him taking a snap:


As you can probably guess, the kid behind him is ready for a hand off. Any way, Kallen generally plays running back or defense. He doesn't have big enough hands to throw the ball well, but he sure tries hard and it has been gorgeous weather for him to play in. Quinn isn't playing any sports right now (and I will be darned if I call this a sport) but we play a lot of catch on the sidelines and he thinks he wants to try flag football next year


so we will see.

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