Monday, June 30, 2008


Eva and I went to see AIDA at the Village Theater in Issaquah last night (thanks to my friend, Laurie, for the tickets!)

What a fun time!  The show was great quality and we thoroughly enjoyed it.  There was definitely a disparity between a couple of really good dancers and most of the ensemble, but the lead actors and actresses were all very, very good.

I hadn't seen this musical before, and knew very little about it.  The music wasn't outstanding (a bit generic, IMHO) but there are a couple of songs that were very good. 

Maybe we will have to go see some more shows at this theater.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Pictures from the Space Needle

Eva's brother, James, his girlfriend DeAnna and their baby, James, aka "Baby James" stayed with us last week and we visited the Space Needle.  It was fun fun!

Proof that they were there...


The local news copter down below (with my finger making an appearance)


Kal with James, DeAnna, Quinn and Eva taking a break from the breathtaking view


Noel trying to look all calm and cool... away from the edge


Not the Space Needle, but we took the gang to Snoqualmie Falls while they were here, and it was AWESOME!

(Note the difference in this shot, and the one on Wikipedia)


Pictures from Solstice Day Parade

This parade in Fremont is always fun.  Here are some pics!

Naked Bicyclists #1


Naked Bicyclists #2


Quinn and Emmett




Kallen (with Mohawk) kicking a kickball


Some pink poodle thingys...


And the Flying Spaghetti Monster


Friday, June 27, 2008

Back on the horse

Wow.  I got out of the routine, eh?  And it is not like things haven't been happening around here.  The kids are in summer break, we went to the Summer Solstice parade in Fremont (pictures to come), Eva's brother visited and we went to the top of the Space Needle with him, Eva had LASIK surgery, and I ordered a new computer.

Oh, and I have been playing Virtual Villagers 3: The Secret City for a week or so now.  I killed off most of my villagers at the beginning, but now have 39 little peeps wandering around, all sharing a very large portion of the same gene pool.  :)image

And my golf game sucks (I will never get better), our softball team has one win on the season, the Mariners suck almost as much (but we get paid less in softball) and when I am not killing villagers in Virtual Villagers, I am being a thug in Grand Theft Auto IV or killing giant, horny, juicers in Penny Arcade: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode One.  Gotta love it.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Kallen's day at the beach

(This post was written by Noel and Quinn)

Kallen and his class went to Seahurst Park for a field trip on Thursday, June 5.  Eva joined them as a chaperone and had a great time... except for getting sick on the bus (next time: Dramamine).

Kallen took some awesome nature pictures, and Eva took some great class pictures.

Molted (empty) crab shell

Molted (empty) crab shell

Kallen's teacher.  Mrs. Purple Sea Star

Kallen's teacher.  Mrs. Purple Sea Star 

Mr. Cool

Mr. Cool

The class of superstars

The class of superstars

Kallen and his posse, waiting to mug someone

Kallen and his posse, waiting to mug someone

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