Saturday, October 20, 2007

Post 2: Soup Day

Ever have one of those weekends? It is rainy, you don't have a lot on your to-do list (at least not a lot that you HAVE to do) and all you want to do is sit in front of a fire, read books, play video games and generally stay in your jammas all day. Today is one of those days.

The boys are munching on chicken 'n stars soup, with a side of raw Ramen ("crunchy") noodles. It is a mess, but they are loving it.

Eva escaped for a while to go wine tasting with her friend, Juliet. They try to get to their favorite wine shop at least once a week. When she gets back, we may go hang out with Juliet's family (Brian, Tallinn and Mirenne) for some lasagna and games. We always have fun with them.

Hopefully you are enjoying your weekend. Perhaps with soup and ramen noodles, too. :)

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